Our Elders 

For the elders and ministers of this church it is of greatest priority that we passionately seek to follow Jesus in word and deed as God calls us to lead those that He leads to this congregation. Ray Stedman wrote,
             “The task of the elders is not to run the church themselves, but to determine how the Lord in their midst wishes to run His church. Much of this he has already made known through the Scriptures, which describe the impartation and exercise of spiritual gifts, the availability of resurrection power, and the responsibility of believers to bear one another’s burdens, confess sins to one another, teach, admonish, and reprove one another, and witness to and serve the needs of a hurting world.

              These important responsibilities of spiritual leaders are carried out as they pray and pour over God’s Word. The leaders are to encourage one another to pursue the Lord more and more, to grow in their daily walk with the Lord before they call others to grow, and be sensitive to the Spirit’s promptings regarding sin and error so that we can be repentant before God.”


Greetings Church family!

              My name is Rob Prucha, I am one of the five Elders currently serving our Good Lord here in Missouri Valley. I am married to my beautiful wife, Anne, and am the father of three grown children.

              My Eldership tenure began in 2000. Currently on Sundays, I serve in the 10:30 Worship Service held in the Fellowship Center and facilitate an adult Sunday School Class at 9:00 in The Center.  Some of my other areas of service include: visitation, overseeing the upkeep on the parsonage and construction projects here at the church.
            My prayer is that each of us grow closer to Christ every day and that we find and experience the joy that results from serving Him.

God Bless you all!

 Hi from your “elder” Elder!
             My name is Leonard Johnson. I have been serving the Lord, first as a Deacon, and then as an Elder for about 40 years. I have also been the Church Treasurer for about 24 years.
I enjoy leading the Reach Out Class on Sunday mornings. I think I have been doing that for around 20 years now.
            My wife, Jan, and I moved from the farm to town 2 1/2 years ago. Since my retirement from farming we have found a lot more time to travel and we both really enjoy it.
I would like to ask all to pray daily for the Elders and for all the leaders in the church.
                                                                                                    May the Good Lord bless and keep you.

Hello!  My name is Kim Mickey.  I have been serving the Lord for many years and since 2011 I have been an Elder at MVCC.

              My wife, Lisa, and our daughter, Jena Grace, and I live on a small acreage east of Missouri Valley.  Jena is finishing her final year of Home Schooling.  We have another daughter, Daisha, who lives in the Lincoln area with her husband and son, Max.

For many years, I have been delivering communion on Sunday mornings to our members who are not able to come to church.  I have lead a Men’s Bible Study and hope to start again soon.  Lisa and I were leaders of a group at Rush and Jena and Lisa are very active in the Children’s Program.

I am honored to serve the Lord at MVCC.  Please keep the Elders in your prayers as we strive to do God’s will.  God bless!

I’m Jim Marsh, and I have been serving as an Elder for 21 years. I’m an active Board Member for Camp Nebowa, and I also serve every Sunday at the Longview Nursing Home sharing and fellowshipping with the residents there. I am a self-employed brick mason.
            My wife, Dianna, whom I married in this church on January 12, 40 years ago, in the “blizzard of 1975,” have homesteaded for 39 years on the Gunderson family farm located near Beebeetown.
         We have 2 sons: Jody and his wife, Brianne, and Adam and his wife, Codie.  We have one daughter, Heather, and her husband, John Humbert. We’ve been blessed with 9 precious grandchildren.
           My free time is spent doing my favorite things: spending time with my family, camping, fishing, and teaching my grandchildren the art of bird watching.