Our Elders
These important responsibilities of spiritual leaders are carried out as they pray and pour over God’s Word. The leaders are to encourage one another to pursue the Lord more and more, to grow in their daily walk with the Lord before they call others to grow, and be sensitive to the Spirit’s promptings regarding sin and error so that we can be repentant before God.”
Greetings Church family!
My name is Rob Prucha, I am one of the five Elders currently serving our Good Lord here in Missouri Valley. I am married to my beautiful wife, Anne, and am the father of three grown children.
God Bless you all!

Hello! My name is Kim Mickey. I have been serving the Lord for many years and since 2011 I have been an Elder at MVCC.
My wife, Lisa, and our daughter, Jena Grace, and I live on a small acreage east of Missouri Valley. Jena is finishing her final year of Home Schooling. We have another daughter, Daisha, who lives in the Lincoln area with her husband and son, Max.
For many years, I have been delivering communion on Sunday mornings to our members who are not able to come to church. I have lead a Men’s Bible Study and hope to start again soon. Lisa and I were leaders of a group at Rush and Jena and Lisa are very active in the Children’s Program.
I am honored to serve the Lord at MVCC. Please keep the Elders in your prayers as we strive to do God’s will. God bless!